miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011

Vedeta zilei: Ashley Tisdale

Am facut ca un fel de prezentare a acesteia in scurt. Sper sa va placa! :

-s-a nascut pe 2 iulie 1995 (25 de ani) in West Deal, New Jersey sub numele de Ashley Michelle Tisdale

-si-a inceput cariera la 12, aparand ca invitat special in Smart Guy si 7th Heaven

-a ajuns celebra datorita rolului lui Nicole Loomis din Beverly Hills, 90210 din anul 2000

-cea ce a adus-o in tabloidele presei a fost serialul Suite Life Zack&Cody, dar si seria de filme HSM

-a jucat pana acum in 28 de seriale si in 14 filme

-serialul ei favorit este insusi Beverly Hills, 90210 [in care a aparut invitat special] si ii pare foarte rau ca s-a terminat

-este mare fana a seriei de filme Harry Potter [a fost la premierea filmului in 2007]

-a fost castigatorea premiilor precum Teen Choice Awards (2006, 2007, 2009) , Kids Choice Awards (2009) , Emmy Awards (2006) , Billboard Music Awards (2006) , Television Critic Association Awards (2006) , MTV Movie Awards (2009) si UK Kids Choice Awards (2007) .

-a lansat doua albume Headstrong (2007) si Guilty Pleasure (2009), urmand ca sa mai lanseze unul la sfarsitul anului acesta

-a fost iubita lui Tom Felton (ianuarie 2006 - august 2006) , Jared Murillo (iulie 2007 - martie 2009) si in prezent are o relatie cu Scott Speer (aprilie 2009 - decembrie 2010 , martie 2011 - prezent) .

-are numai 1.60 m si 52 de kg

-numai e virgina de la 23 de ani, acest lucru intamplandu-se in septembrie 2008

-e cea mai buna prietena a lui Brenda Song, pe care a cunoscut-o in 2005

-prima data cand a pozat nude a fost intr-un pictoria Allure, acesta urmand sa apara in magazine in mai 2011

-se zvoneste recent ca aceasta ar vrea sa se casatoreasca anul viitor

-in prezent joaca in serialul Hellcats, iar de curand si-a lansat filmul HSM 5: SFA

Demi Lovato renunta la Sonny With A Chance!

Vedeta din Camp Rock şi SWAC nu mai este o vedetă Disney. La cei 18 ani ai sai, Demi Lovato a trecut prin multe în ultima vreme, de la despărţirea de Joe Jonas până la probleme de sănătate ce au dus la internarea ei într-un centru de recuperare.

Acum se poate spune că Demi Lovato s-a întors înapoi la muncă, însă doar în studioul de înregistrări, căci va colabora cu Timbeland. S-ar părea că puştoaica a decis să renunţe la colaborarea cu Disney Channel, insa după plecarea lui Demi acesta se va numi So Random şi vor apărea noi personaje ca invitati speciali. Artista de 18 ani a declarat pentru revista People:

“Este normal sa parasesc serialul si sa ma concentrez pe muzica. E trist ca un capitol din viata mea s-a incheiat, insa nu exista un moment mai bun ca sa merg mai departe.”

Insa, Demi va continua sa inregistreze sub semnatura Hollywood Records a companiei Disney.

joi, 14 aprilie 2011

E oficial! Bonnie Wright se marita!

Tinerii actori Bonnie Wright (20 ani) și Jamie Campbell Bower (22 de ani), interpreții personajelor Ginny Weasley, respectiv Gellert Grindelwald (în seria de filme Harry Potter) au de gând să se căsătorească, informează dailymail.co.uk.

Se crede că cei doi colegi de platouri au o relaţie de 1 an si 6 luni, confirmarea venind abia în luna februarie 2010, când Bonnie şi Jamie au mers împreună la Premiile BAFTA, iar tânăra actriţă a explicat că sunt un cuplu.

Roşcata care se iubeşte în filme cu Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) l-a cucerit definitiv pe Jamie Campbell Bower, iar cei doi şi-au uimit colegii de platouri cu anunţul legat de nuntă.

Totul pare foarte pripit, dar amândoi spun că este o treabă seriosă. El este foarte entuzismat şi nici unul dintre ei nu are îndoieli, a explicat o sursă de la filmări pentru Daily Mail.

Cei doi actori se poartă foarte profesionist pe platouri: nu se prostesc, nu se sărută şi pentru că nu au scene comune, Jamie vine des la filmări doar pentru a sta cu ea între duble.

Ei bine, Bonnie a declarat recent pentru People Magazine ca are de gand sa se casatoreasca probabil la sfarsitul anului asta de Revelion:

Am 20 de ani si cred ca sunt destul de pregatita pentru nunta. Deja am multe idei de organizare si simt cum se apropie ziua aceea, a spus Bonnie Wright, interpreta lui Ginnie Weasley din Harry Potter.

Lady GaGa pe coperta Harper’s Bazaar

Lady GaGa pe coperta numarului din mai al revistei Harpers Bazaar US Cover girl: Lady GaGa

Cantareata Lady GaGa (25 de ani) este vedeta numarului din mai al publicatiei “Harper’s Bazaar” US. Pe coperta, artista poarta o rochie Versace, in timp ce in pictorialul realizat de fotograful Terry Richardson s-au folosit si creatii Thierry Mugler, Francesco Scognamiglio, Dior, Alexander McQueen si Tex Saverio. More: harpersbazaar.com

* On her prosthetics: “Well, first of all they’re not prosthetics. They’re my bones. They’ve always been inside of me, but I have been waiting for the right time to reveal to the universe who I truly am (…) They come out when I’m inspired. We all have these bones!

* On being “Born This Way: “It’s a performance-art piece. I have never, ever encouraged my fans or anyone to harm themselves, nor do I romanticize masochism. Body modification is part of the overarching analysis of “Born This Way”. In the video, we use Rico, who is tattooed head to toe. He was born that way. Although he wasn’t born with tattoos, it was his ultimate destiny to become the man he is today

* On plastic surgery: “I have never had plastic surgery, and there are many pop singers who have. I think that promoting insecurity in the form of plastic surgery is infinitely more harmful than an artistic expression related to body modification. And how many models and actresses do you see on magazine covers who have brand-new faces and have had plastic surgery, while I myself have never had any plastic surgery? I am an artist, and I have the ability and the free will to choose the way the world will envision me

* On being seen as promoting plastic surgery: “Trust me, I know that. I think a lot of people love to convolute what everyone else does in order to disempower women. But my fans know me. They would never hurt themselves. And if they have hurt themselves, they come to me and say «GaGa, I want to stop, and your music helps me want to stop. Your music makes me want to love myself». I am in no way promoting sadomasochism or masochism

Lady GaGa poarta creatii Thierry Mugler Francesco Scognamiglio si Dior in numarul din mai al revistei Harpers Bazaar US Cover girl: Lady GaGa

* On assimilation: “I had all these No. 1 records, and I had sold all these albums, and it was sort of this turning point: Am I going to try and embrace Hollywood and assimilate to that culture? I put my toe in that water, and it was a Kegel-exercise vaginal reaction where I clenched and had to retract immediately. I ran furiously back to New York, to my old apartment, and I hung out with my friends, and I went to the same bars

* On Alexander McQueen’s suicide: “I think he planned the whole thing: Right after he died, I wrote “Born This Way”. I think he’s up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away, planning this whole thing” [Supporting GaGa’s claim was the decision by the label–not GaGa herself–to move up the release date for “Born This Way”, ultimately to the exact day of the one-year anniversary of McQueen’s death] “When I heard that, I knew he planned the whole damn thing. I didn’t even write the fucking song. He did!

* On her motto: “You can quote me on this: People love you when they think you won’t be around for very long, and people hate you when they can’t get rid of you. But I’m not going anywhere”. More: harpersbazaar.com

Lady GaGa poarta creatii Alexander McQueen si Tex Saverio in numarul din mai al revistei Harpers Bazaar US Cover girl: Lady GaGa

Rihanna pe coperta Rolling Stone

Rihanna pe coperta celui mai recent numar al publicatiei Rolling Stone US Cover girl: Rihanna

Rihanna (23 de ani) este vedeta celui mai recent numar al publicatiei “Rolling Stone” US, cantareata originara din Barbados lasandu-se pozata de fotograful Mark Seliger pentru prima ei aparitie pe coperta celebrei reviste. More: rollingstone.com

* On S&M: “I like to take charge, but I love to be submissive. Being submissive in the bedroom is really fun. You get to be a little lady, to have somebody be macho and in charge of your shit. That’s sexy to me. I work a lot, and I have to make a lot of executive decisions, so when it comes to being intimate, I like to feel like I’m somebody’s girl

* On how she likes to be spanked: “I like to be spanked. Being tied up is fun. I like to keep it spontaneous. Sometimes whips and chains can be overly planned – you gotta stop, get the whip from the drawer downstairs… I’d rather have him use his hands

* On her love life: “I’m not dating. I’m not sexing, I’m not even sexting. It’s on complete nil

* On Skype sex: “When you’re not with the person you want to be intimate with, a picture is the next best thing. Well, Skype is safer. But a picture lasts a long time. When you’re alone, and those horny moments come up, pictures can be very handy

* On her name: “I get kind of numb to hearing Rihanna, Rihanna, Rihanna. When I hear Robyn, I pay attention

* On her first kiss: “My first kiss was in high school, and it was the worst thing ever. He pretty much dumped his entire saliva glands into my mouth. It traumatized me. I didn’t kiss for, like, ever

Rihanna in publicatia Rolling Stone US Cover girl: Rihanna

* On her father and abuse: I actually feel really bad for my father. He was abused too – he got beat up by his stepdad when he was young. He has resentment toward women, because he felt like his mom never protected him, and unfortunately, my mother was the victim of that. I’m not giving him excuses. Right is right and wrong is wrong. I still blame him. But I understand the source

* On being a masochist: “I do think I’m a bit of a masochist. It’s not something I’m proud of, and it’s not something I noticed until recently. I think it’s common for people who witness abuse in their household. They can never smell how beautiful a rose is unless they get pricked by a thorn

* On having her guard up after the assault: “I put my guard up so hard. I didn’t want people to see me cry. I didn’t want people to feel bad for me. It was a very vulnerable time in my life, and I refused to let that be the image. I wanted them to see me as «I’m fine, I’m tough». I put that up until it felt real

* On Chris Brown: “We don’t have to talk again ever in my life. I just didn’t want to make it more difficult for him professionally. What he did to me was a personal thing – it had nothing to do with his career. Saying he has to be a hundred feet away from me, he can’t perform at awards shows – that definitely made it difficult for him. That was the only thing it was going to change, so I didn’t care. But you can never please people. One minute I’m being too hard, and the next minute I’m a fool because I’m not being hard enough”. More: rollingstone.com

Rihanna in revista Rolling Stone US Cover girl: Rihanna

miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011

Demi Lovato: redactor - sef la Seventeen si sustinatoarea campaniei Love Is Louder

Demi Lovato a anunţat că ea a devenit un editor şef la revista Seventeen Magazine. Ea va posta articole online şi va scrie articole în care răspunde la problemele cu care femeile tinere se confrunta.

Cred ca Demi este persoana potrivita sa le ofere sfaturi fetelor, avand în vedere ca si ea a trecut prin cateva probleme grele pe care a reusit sa le rezolve. Este un mare avantaj pentru revista Seventeen, care cu siguranta va avea mai multi cititori datorita lui Demi.

Demi Lovato este partenerul Seventeen Magazine si Fundatia Jed pentru a raspandi cuvantul "Iubirea este mai importanta decat presiunea de a fi perfecta".

GHD: reclame sexy cu Katy Perry


GHD este o firmă de produse cosmetice pentru păr iar Katy Perry a fost aleasă să fie imaginea companiei în campania publicitară din acest an. Până acum au fost făcute publice 3 poze făcute de David LaChapelle şi în toate cantăreata este sexy:

