duminică, 30 ianuarie 2011

Demi a fost externata!

Conform TMZ, Demi Lovato a parasit centrul de tratament si s-a intors in L.A.

Surse apropiate artistei au declarat ca aceasta se va reintoarce la “rutina obisnuita” si isi va petrece timpul cu familia si prietenii. Totusi, Demi va continua sa urmeze tratamentul pentru problemele cu care se confrunta si in L.A.

Dupa cum am mai spus, Demi s-a internat pentru probleme “fizice si emotionale”.

Demi a fost vazuta in Santa Monica, ieri, 28 ianuarie, dupa ce a parasit centrul de tratament din Illinois.

Interviu Bonnie Wright [in engleza]

The actress, Bonnie Wright, who plays Ginny Weasley, spoke to "Pop Start" about her career and the end of the saga.

What will we see of Ginny in the second part of Deathly Hallows?

I think, really, the character in this second part evolves a lot. She fights Bellatrix and more, I can't say much but in this part Ginny is great, apart from the epilogue, which I don't know if you knew but we reshoot it back in December.

In the second part there's war, will there be time for romance between Harry and Ginny?

Yes. There's a kiss, I can't say at which moment but there is a kiss. Also, the couple has significant looks and moments that I think they'll work [laughs] we did a good job with Dan (Radcliffe).

What has Ginny meant in your life?

I loved playing her! I was really lucky to do it, really, and I owe it all to my brother. At the beginning, people didn't care much about the charater, or she didn't have much love, or they took her as a fool (and I'm talking about the movies), but now they'll say: Is that Ginny? ...But really, Ginny is alsmot like me, I was shy at the beginning but then I became confident and I think I'm a good person.

Did you ever had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe?

No! Everyone keeps asking that. I've known everyone for years, I've lost count [laughs], but we always treat each other as friends and it will always be like that. Besides, it'll be really embarrassing, some people tell me: "Bonnie, you make a great couple with Dan!" and I just look at them blushing and smiling, Jamie (Campbell-Bower) looks at them, it's so funny.

Who do you get along with better from the cast?

Hard question, my best friends are Evanna (Lynch), Katie (Leung) and Emma (Watson) and I get along very good with Rupert (Grint) and Matthew (Lewis). Rupert is a great friend, he makes me laugh in the difficult moments and cheers me up. I'm lucky he's my brother [laughs]. Also Matthew, he's a great and excellent friend, really, I consider him as a brother, we get along just fine and he's really sweet and excellent. Evanna is really intelligent and daring. Katie is a very good friend, although we don't get along in the movies [laughs]; and Emma is really great.

What do you have planned after all of this is over?

Wow, those words! But really, I don't take it too personal. I have a few projects, really, and I'm studying a lot. But I do have some projects.

Thank you so much! Something you want to add?

Yes, a lot, but I'll say we're a cast that is thrilled that fans like you support this franchise; thanks to these movies we're famous and loved but what we really care about is making fans happy and try to make the best so the movies don't disappoint them. The saga is over and the movies will be gone but this youth and happiness will never be away from our hearts. Thank you so much "Pop Star" and see you soon!

Bonnie Wright nu este iubita lui Daniel Radcliffe

Bonnie Wright a declarat recent intr-un interviu pentru Pop Star Argentina ca nu este iubita lui Daniel Radcliffe si ca toate astea au fost numai niste simple zvonuri.

Bonnie a mai zis ca tot timpul presa ii cupleaza pe actori doar ca pentru joaca in acelasi film/serial.

Uitati-va mai jos si vedeti ce a mai zis Bonnie despre rolul lui Ginny, din Harry Potter.

On what’s going on with Ginny in Part II: :The character in this second part evolves a lot. She fights Bellatrix and more, I can’t say much but in this part Ginny is great, apart from the epilogue, which I don’t know if you knew but we reshot it back in December.”

On the romance between Ginny and Harry: “Yes. There’s a kiss, I can’t say at which moment but there is a kiss. Also, the couple has significant looks and moments that I think they’ll work [laughs] we did a good job with Dan.”

On if she ever had a crush on Daniel: “No! Everyone keeps asking that. I’ve known everyone for years, I’ve lost count [laughs], but we always treat each other as friends and it will always be like that. Besides, it’ll be really embarrassing, some people tell me: ‘Bonnie, you make a great couple with Dan!’ and I just look at them blushing and smiling, looks at them, it’s so funny.”

On being grateful to be playing Ginny: “I loved playing her! I was really lucky to do it, really, and I owe it all to my brother. At the beginning, people didn’t care much about the character, or she didn’t have much love, or they took her as a fool (and I’m talking about the movies), but now they’ll say: Is that Ginny? …But really, Ginny is almost like me, I was shy at the beginning but then I became confident and I think I’m a good person.”

vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011

Katy Perry in How I Met Your Mother

Se pare ca Katy Perry va aparea intr-un episod special How I Met Your Mother, care va aparea pe 7 februarie.

Mai jos aveti niste poze. Enjoy it!

Sunteti incantati de a o vedea pe Katy Perry in HowI Met Your Mother? ;)) Aveti chiar mai jos niste super poze!

joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Demi, revine!

V-a fost dor de ea? Ei bine, se pare ca va reveni cu un nou album, un nou turneu solo si noi oferte.

Se pare ca Demzz va fi eliberata saptamana viitoare definitiv din clinica.

In schimb a aparut preview-ul de la cel mai nou single ai ei, Shut Up And Love Me, care se pare sau nu ca este dedicat lui Joe Jonas, fostul ei iubit.

Ei bine, ce credeti? Enjoy it!

Emma Watson isi vrea frumoasele bucle ondulate inapoi

Frumoasa actrita din Harry Potter si-a tuns parul in septembrie foarte foarte scurt, insa acum ii simte lipsa.

Nu stiu. Ma simt cheala, urata si toate zvonurile cum ca mi-as fi lipit rochia cu scoth ma fac sa ma simt foarte prost, a declarat Emma Watson intr-un interviu.

Sper sa-mi creasca parul macar incat sa mi-l pot pune intr-o mica coada pana la Oscare, a mai zis Watson.

Intrebata de ce s-a tuns, Emma recunoaste:

Cand aveam 16 ani, nu ma gandisem sa ma tund. Astea au fost toate din desparirea de Josh Craig, nu sufar dupa el, sufar doar pentru ca am vrut sa fiu rebela si noncorfomista, dar nu mi-a iesit, a zis Emma.

Nominalizarile Oscar 2011

Nominalizarile la premiile Oscar 2011, a caror ceremonie va avea loc pe 27 februarie in Los Angeles, au fost anuntate.

Iata lista completa:

Cel mai bun film:

* The King’s Speech
* 127 Hours
* Black Swan
* The Fighter
* Inception
* The Kids Are All Right
* The Social Network
* Toy Story 3
* True Grit
* Winter’s Bone

Cea mai buna actrita in rol principal:

* Anette Benning (The Kids are Allright)
* Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
* Nicole Kidman (Rabbit Hole)
* Michelle Williams (Blue Valentine)
* Jennifer Lawrence (Winter’s Bone)

Cel mai bun actor in rol principal:

* Javier Bardem (Biutiful)
* Jeff Bridges (True Grit)
* Colin Firth (The King’s Speech)
* James Franco (127 Hours)
* Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network)

Cel mai bun regizor:

* David Fincher (The Social Network)
* Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan)
* Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech)
* David O. Russell (The Fighter)
* Ethan si Joel Coen (True Grit)

Cel mai bun actor in rol secundar:

* Christian Bale (The Fighter)
* John Hawkes (Winter’s Bone)
* Jeremy Renner (The Town)
* Mark Ruffalo (The Kids Are All Right)
* Geoffrey Rush (The King’s Speech)

Cea mai buna actrita in rol secundar:

* Amy Adams (The Fighter)
* Helena Bonham Carter (The King’s Speech)
* Melissa Leo (The Fighter)
* Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit)
* Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom)

Cel mai bun scenariu adaptat:

* Danny Boyle si Simon Beaufoy (127 Hours)
* Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network)
* Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3)
* Joel Coen si Ethan Coen (True Grit)
* Debra Granik (Winter’s Bone)

Cel mai bun scenariu original:

* Mike Leigh (Another Year)
* Scott Silver, Paul Tamasy si Eric Johnson (The Fighter)
* Christopher Nolan (Inception)
* Lisa Cholodenko si Stuart Blumberg (The Kids Are All Right)
* David Seidler (The King’s Speech)

Cel mai bun film de animatie:

* How to Train Your Dragon (Chris Sanders si Dean DeBlois)
* The Illusionist (Sylvain Chomet)
* Toy Story 3 (Lee Unkrich)

Cea mai buna regie artistica:

* Alice in Wonderland (Robert Stromberg si Karen O’Hara)
* Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (Stuart Craig)
* Stephenie McMillan (Set Decoration)
* Inception (Guy Hendrix Dyas, Larry Dias si Doug Mowat)
* The King’s Speech (Eve Stewart si Judy Farr)
* True Grit (Jess Gonchor si Nancy Haigh)

Cea mai buna imagine:

* Black Swan (Matthew Libatique)
* Inception (Wally Pfister)
* The King’s Speech (Danny Cohen)
* The Social Network (Jeff Cronenweth)
* True Grit (Roger Deakins)

Cele mai bune costume:

* Alice in Wonderland (Colleen Atwood)
* I Am Love (Antonella Cannarozzi)
* The King’s Speech (Jenny Beavan)
* The Tempest (Sandy Powell)
* True Grit (Mary Zophres)

Cel mai bun machiaj:

* The Way Back
* The Wolfman
* Barney’s Version

Cel mai bun lungmetraj documentar:

* Exit through the Gift Shop
* Gasland
* Inside Job
* Restrepo
* Waste Land

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj documentar:

* Killing in the Name
* Poster Girl
* Strangers No More
* Sun Come Up
* The Warriors of Qiugang

Cel mai bun mixaj de sunet:

* Inception
* The King’s Speech
* Salt
* The Social Network
* True Grit

Cel mai bun montaj de sunet:

* Inception
* Toy Story 3
* Tron: Legacy
* True Grit
* Unstoppable

Cel mai bun montaj:

* Black Swan
* The Fighter
* The King’s Speech
* 127 Hours
* The Social Network

Cel mai bun film strain:

* Biutiful (Mexic)
* Dogtooth (Grecia)
* In a Better World (Danemarca)
* Incendies (Canada)
* Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi) (Algeria)

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj:

* The Confession
* The Crush
* God of Love
* Na Wewe
* Wish 143

Cel mai bun scurtmetraj animat:

* Day & Night
* The Gruffalo
* Let’s Pollute
* The Lost Thing
* Madagascar, carnet de voyage

Cele mai bune efecte vizuale:

* Alice in Wonderland
* Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
* Hereafter
* Inception
* Iron Man 2

Cea mai buna coloana sonora:

* How to Train Your Dragon – John Powell
* Inception” – Hans Zimmer
* The King’s Speech – Alexandre Desplat
* 127 Hours – A.R. Rahman
* The Social Network – Trent Reznor si Atticus Ross

Cel mai bun cantec:

* Coming Home din Country Strong – muzica si versurile de Tom Douglas
* Troy Verges si Hillary Lindsey, `I See the Light` din Tangled – muzica de Alan Menken, versuri de Glenn Slater
* If I Rise din 127 Hours – muzica de A.R. Rahman, versuri de Dido si Rollo Armstrong
* We Belong Together din Toy Story 3 – muzica si versurile de Randy Newman

Vanessa Hudgens este urmatoarea imagine Candie's

După doi ani în care Britney Spears a reprezentat Candies, iată că acum este rândul Vanessei Hudgens să devină noua imagine a firmei.

Aveti chiar o imagine in stanga, deci, cum ti se pare? Se compara Vanessa cu Britney sau mai are de lucrat? Enjoy it!

Katy Perry, nou single!

Dupa Firework mai trebuia sa mai urmeze ceva, asa ca este single-ul E.T , al carui videoclip e pus sa apara la sfarsitul lunii februarie.

Asa ca Katy a facut si un photoshoot potrivit melodiei. Enjoy it!

marți, 25 ianuarie 2011

Bonnie Wright si Daniel Radcliffe, impreuna si-n viata reala?

Daca Emma inca sufera in inima ei, Daniel trece mai departe. Dupa ce-a dea doua relatie a lor, Daniel a avut numai o iubita necelebra de la despartirea cu Emma Watson.

Acum insa zvonurile ar fi altfel, Daniel + Bonnie = LOVE , dar cei doi n-au zis nimic concret. Uite ce zic cateva cunostinte:

Emma a avut incredere in Jemna, dar se pare ca a tradat-o. Acum Bonnie si cu Daniel sunt la inceputul unei frumoase povesti de dragoste. Ei bine, cei doi sunt de ceva luni impreuna, dar tin totul ascuns.

Ei bine si Bonnie a avut o relatie care a durat numai o luna cu actorul Jamie Bower.

Ei bine ce credeti? Sunt un cuplu sau nu?

Mia Wasikovska a obtinut doua nominalizari la Oscar

Minunata actrita din Alice in Wonderland a reusit sa obtina doua nominalizari la Oscar. La aproape 22 de ani, Mia Wasikovska se poate multumi cu cea ce a ajuns.

Ei bine, publicul a fost dezamagit pentru ca Alice n-a luat mai multe nominalizari, dar asta e viata. Uitati mesajul artistei catre fani:

Salut. Sunt Mia. Viata ne poate lua prin surprindere de cele mai multe ori. Ma voi lansa in cariera muzicala in vara asta. Deja am cateva melodii puse in plan. Nu va faceti griji de nominalizarile de la Oscar, cel mai bun sa castige!

Ei bine ce credeti despre noile ei materiale discografice, vor fi de-ajuns sau nu?